Adipose stromal cell secretome for a sustainable microenvironment within a subcutaneous polymeric scaffold for insulin-producing cell transplantation.

Alexandra M. Smink1, Erika Pinheiro-Machado1, Timara Kuiper1, Romy H. Huurman1, Luis Henrique Corrêa2, Arjen H. Petersen1, Bart J. de Haan1, Martin C. Harmsen1.

1University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Pathology and Medical Biology. 2Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Cells-in-Motion Interfaculty Center, University of Münster. E-mail:

Background: Subcutaneous polymeric scaffolds for insulin-producing cell transplantation require a microenvironment that includes supportive extracellular matrix (ECM) alongside a robust vascular network to ensure adequate oxygen, nutrient delivery, and insulin transport. This study evaluated adipose-derived stromal cell (ASC) secretome for fostering such a scaffold microenvironment.

Methods: Rat ASCs were exposed to various culture conditions to determine the alterations in the composition and functional properties of their secretomes. Subsequently, secretome-containing scaffolds were subcutaneously implanted in a non-diabetic immunocompromised rat model and on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 the microenvironment was investigated by lectin infusion, gene expression analysis, and histology.

Results: Exposure of ASCs to normoxia, hypoxia, or a combination of hypoxia + high glucose resulted in enrichment of secretome proteins associated with angiogenesis and ECM organization. These conditions also stimulated in vitro endothelial tube formation (number of branching points 1.3-2.4 times higher than the control) and collagen deposition by fibroblasts (1.7-2.2 times increase in collagen staining than the control). In vivo experiments demonstrated that all three secretomes enhanced the formation of a vascular network and ECM deposition within the scaffold. Notably, the most significant improvement was observed with the hypoxia + high glucose-derived secretome. Starting from day 14, this secretome significantly increased pro-angiogenic genes like VEGF (1.7-2.5 fold change), Angiopoietin1 (1.3-1.6 fold change), and Ve-Cadherin (1.4-1.6 fold change), and the presence of perfused blood vessels (1.4-5 fold change). Furthermore, the gene expression of several matrix metalloproteinases and the protein expression of Collagen IV and Laminin were improved.

Discussion/conclusion: By modifying the ASC secretome, it becomes highly suitable for engineering a sustainable microenvironment within a subcutaneous scaffold which might enhance Type 1 Diabetes transplantation outcomes.